April 26, 2020

Ramadan in Lockdown (Day-2)

Review of Day-1

Alhamdulillaah the first day of fasting went well. Felt really good and humbled before breaking my fast. The credit goes completely to Allaah, of course. I realized that our gifts are in alignment with what we do, if that makes sense. Say if I fasted but didn't invest my time on the Qur'an and dhikr, would I have felt the exactly the same? Of course not! If we do not treasure our sacrifice for Allaah, we can't practically expect anything out of it. As simple as that.

But please understand that like a lot of others, I am also a work in progress. Ramadans had come and gone. But I had barely made any progress. This time it's feeling different because I made a simple change in my lifestyle. Sometimes all it takes is a little adjustment in your lifestyle. There are, of course, a lot of other things I need to work on. Nonetheless, the process of self-development has started alhamdulillaah.

Day-2 [4:00pm]

- Prayed fajr+recited the morning dhikr+some Qur'an

- Completed dhuhr prayer

- Had to attend a teleconference with my team [work related]

ACTION Plan for the remainder of the day:

- Recite Qur'an some more

- Play with my daughter Aisha

- Spend some time with my parents

- Spend some time with my wife


STATUS after Day-2

- Recite Quran- Check

- Play with the daughter- Check

- Spend time with the wife- Check

- Spend time with parents- Uncheck

It's always a great idea to get your status and action plans in writing like this. You can either follow the format above or make your own. It does not matter as long as you can see your progress.

May this Ramadan change us all, ameen!

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