May 02, 2020

Lockdown: Why it's necessary in Bangladesh?

The covid19 situations in the States and Sweden are a big slap in the faces of people who think lockdown is not necessary. Sweden, one of the Scandanavian giants, has 22,082 covid19 positive cases as we speak. Of them there are 2669 deaths and only 1,005 cases of recovery. On the other hand, the US have 1,148,439 positive cases of Covid19 of which there are 66, 804 deaths and 162,114 cases of recovery.

In order to understand what happened in Sweden, we have to understand how things work between the Swedish government & its people. Historically speaking, there has always been an unspoken understanding between the state and its people. The Swedish people follow the instruction of the government to the letter. Government says you are to maintain social distancing and they go 'OK fine, we are going to do exactly as you say!' and trust me when I say that that's a different level of 'we hear and we obey.' Now what went wrong for Sweden was it only depended on its people to do the work. What it didn't realize was that only social distaning would not have cut it. You needed stricter measures (see lockdown). It has been seen time and again that lockdown does help control the spread of infection. Albeit Swedish case is not particularly a disaster compared to other European countries such as Italy and Spain, it is definitly not an ideal one compared to its nordic neighbors.

Let's now turn to the mighty US. Don Trump's paradise. The US simply were oblivious to the whole thing. Tell me If they were so concerned from the beginning then how come they have such a large number of cases in such a short time? We all know prevention is better than cure and according to this article Trump didn't do that either.

And finally when the disease hit the country, neither did the gov't enforce the lockdown properly nor the American people helped. Just today I saw in the news that they were relaxing lockdown in 15 states Texas and Alabama being two of the 15. What's more? Beaches have started getting crowded. I mean really do these people have no brains? Americans, some of them, really are so stupid!

What about our topic at hand, Bangladesh? We're one of those few countries that have one of the worst recovery rates. Thanks to our limited resources and corrupt authority. What's more? We don't want to get infected because we know that we're not going to get treatment if we did get the infection.

Anyway, what is to be done to stop the pandemic now? In Bangladesh, simply increasing the general vacation won't work unless the lockdwon is enforced. The government is not only Not ordering lockdown it's started to allow certain shops and businesses to remain open. Our factory and garment workers are in the worst predicament. Why? Because some garment owners take them for nothing more than a commodity. We should pay heed to constant warnings of WHO and enforce lockdown in the entire country. The less the movement, the better.

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