September 26, 2011

A masjid close to my heart

Whenever I go to the masjid at road no# 7, i feel so amazing! Al hamdulillaah! Every time I go there I just want to keep on praying subhan Allaah and the best thing is when you go there you don't feel bored or fatigued but rather you feel this energy inside of you each time you stand for prayer subhan Allaah.

The environment of the masjid is just awesome, it's just so green around the masjid complex. And if you could just feel the cool breeze that blows all the time around the clock, it's almost as if Allaah welcomes His slaves to His house in a unique way by turning on this natural air conditioner subhan Allaah!

I found comfort and tranquility when I was praying in the balcony of the masjid today, i was able to let go of this world and focus on something way beyond a transitory existence! It was a surreal feeling!

Yes, i was very upset today as I was missing Raiiq, my brother in Islam who flew to the UK this morning to study medicine ma sha Allaah. And going to that particular place reminded me of him and just for a moment I found it hard to believe that he wasn't around.

Yes brother, we don't know the future and we don't know whats there in store for us. Hence I don't know whether I will be alive the next time you come to Bangladesh or not.

I apologize to you if I ever have hurt your feelings. Please do forgive me and keep me in your prayers in sha Allaah.

September 02, 2011

Tafsir Surat al Fajr- based on a lecture by Br. Nouman Ali Khan Part4

Assalamualaykum folks! I'm back after a long break, couldn't post earlier for some unavoidable reasons. Now insh A Allaah I'd try to speed up a bit and finish it off really quickly. So without further ado let us start with our next ayah which is-

Alam Tara Kaifafa ala Rabukka bi ad

Did you (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)) not see (thought) how your Lord dealt with 'Ad (people)? [ ayah-9]

Here, Allaah azza wajjal basically brings the point home by saying if you dont believe in the unseen then at least believe in what you can see. Now we have to understand the fact that whenever Allaah addresses Rasulullaah(s.a.w) in regards to reminders it also in a way addresses us. So believing in the unseen Aoudhubillaah is not an issue for the prophet (as) but it is an issue for us sometimes. Hence we can say it's a reminder to Rasulullaah (s.a.w) and a food for thought and a reminder for the ummaah at large.

The word Tara means understanding, the ayah is questioning the understanding of the people. And if we stick to the literal translation it would say ' did you not see'. Here 'see' doesn't refer to a visual experience but rather it refers to the thought process or understanding.

Now what understanding is Allaah talking about? Why did He bring forth this example in the first place?

well, He wants us to appreciate that these people (Ad) were very strong people. And Allaah especially brings forth their example because Arabs were a strong nation themselves and Allaah says these people were even more stronger than you and we have destroyed them like a fly! And you would get it straight if you have any understanding.

And subhan Allaah Allaah has preserved their ruins as to make us understand what He does to the disobedient and the arrogant ones. When the Arab would pass by Ad and Thamud they will see the ruins and get terrified.

Allaah goes on narrating their legacy...

Irama thatil ImAdi

Who were very tall like lofty pillars [Ayah 10]

Iram is considered by some the earlier generation of Ad. Others say Iram was a man or an ancestor of Ad.

Now Iram means to make a sign with pillars. Another explanation of this is that the nation of Iram possessed a body strength like that of pillars.

Ash Shawkani Rahimahullaah says- The affair of ad and thamud is very well known to the Arabs, because their town was very close to the Arabs.

To be continued.........

Reflections on Surah Fajr Part3 based on a lecture by Br. Nouman Ali Khan

We now start with the last oath ' Wa laili idha yasri' meaning "... And by the night when it departs".(ayah 4) the general ruling of the Arabic language is to use a 'ya' after 'asr' but only a ' kasra' has been used. So the word sara yasri means to take stroll at the night. A famous muhaddith and scholar al Akhfasha (rah) was asked why the 'ya' has not been used, he didn't answer but rather asked him to come after a year if he was serious. So he came after a year and al Akfasha answered- " sara yasri doesn't refer to the night but it refers to the people. In other words, people take stroll at the night but the night doesn't." See it means people have control over themselves but they don't have control over the night. Who has control over Himself? Only Allaah!

There are four oaths in total in this surah. The 1st and the 4th and the 2nd and the 3rd are connected to each other. The middle two oaths refer to the coming of Rasulullaah(s.a.w). The 1st oath is 'wal fajr' and the fourth oath is 'wal laili.....yasri'. Now chronologically speaking we'd be expecting the night/lail to come at first but here it is the opposite. As it's a given that fajr comes when the night drifts away, but fajr refers to the major sign of the day of judgment even though the light hasn't broken out yet and lail refers to the coming of the messenger of Allah sallalahualayhyssalam. So the priority has been mentioned first. We know that the coming of the messenger of Allah (s.a.w) is the greatest sign of the day of judgment, but as a minor sign it is mentioned later.

Allah continues to the next 'Halfi dhalika qasamullidhi Hijr" meaning

"There is indeed in them (the above oaths) sufficient proofs for men of understanding (and that, they should avoid all kinds of sins and disbeliefs, etc.)!"

(ayah 5)

Now, the word 'Hijr' means intellect. To an Arab "Hijr" would mean control, power. Allah azza wajjal here uses this statement to awaken His slaves. Allah doesn't normally repeat like this. So it is an exceptional verse in the Qur'an. Also by referring to our intellect Allah is telling us if we have intellect to understand His Message. In other words, Allah is saying don't just move on, reflect on the oaths. I say, we are the 'ashraful makqhlukat', we are the only beings created with an intellect and by referring to our intellect Allah is honoring us. And now it is upon us how we use our intellect and if His Message doesn't effect us then we are nothing better than an animal.

Al Alusi and Ash Shawkani Rahimahullah said- " The ones who are blessed with this intellect would immediately understand the lessons of the surah."

Now if you have read my previous notes you have seen how profound and unique were the oaths of Allaah azza wajjal. The lessons that He has attached to such few and simple words, is phenomenal subhanAllaah!